American General Talks about Coming War with China

American General Talks about Coming War with China

Why are the elites of the world so bent on starting wars?  Probably because it won’t be their children that get sent off to fight political wars.

The Government of China is no friend to the United States, they arent even a friend to their own People. But even they are not dumb enough to attack the Homeland of the United States. So what this general is saying is, we will send Americans overseas to fight a war where Hundreds of Thousands will die, if not Millions. And for what, Taiwan? 

What the Wuhan Virus has shown us is the Mainstream media is the mouthpiece for rich elites and a propaganda arm of the government. When they are releasing statements like this it’s to plant seeds in the minds of the sheep. As if a war with China is necessary. We have seen it with Ukraine, You can literally get a ban on social media for speaking out against American involvement in Ukraine. None of this makes any sense from a strategic point of view. We force Russia to become more aligned with China, while our generals say war is coming? 

They CLEARLY want this to happen……….