Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting

Last week the lives of 5 innocent victims were taken by a despicable coward. Their families and loved ones lives equally forever changed. We mourn with those whose loss is unimaginable.

It took a few days for us to comment on this. Initially, our thoughts were full of rage and disgust toward the coward. That rage and disgust still exist but has spread to the mainstream media as well. Their spin is beyond disgusting. As usual with the liberal media, they have already taken their predictable approach blaming the gun. This time the evil culprit is not the dreaded AR-15, or any other “Assualt Riffle”.

The media has even almost sympathized with him. Blaming PTSD and his “Tough” life.


Troubles at home

“Santiago was born in New Jersey in 1990 and moved to Puerto Rico two years later. He spent his childhood there, went to high school and joined the Puerto Rico National Guard. According to his family, things started changing for Santiago after a nine-month tour of Iraq.

“When he came back from Iraq, he was a different person,” Hernan Rivera, 70, Santiago’s uncle, told The New York Times.”


NOW, I will be the first to say that our Veterans are treated terribly. Our government should be ashamed how young kids are handled after doing, without question, what their country ask of them. But that’s not the full story is here.

What mainstream media has failed to explore is the Cowards switch to Islamic Extremism. Even going to the extreme of white washing his photo to make him look more “white.” (I know how it sounds, do your own research, its true and pathetic)

Here is a good article outlining the Cowards switch to Islamic extremism:

It is no coincidence that he targeted a Gun Free area. That’s what every one of these cowardly acts have in common with each other (other than the shooters also pledging allegiance to ISIS).  I have said it before and I will unfortunately say it again I’m sure, If a place is a dedicated “Gun Free Zone” it damn sure better be the safest place in the area. Ample security better be present and ready.

Liberal’s and their ideologies have not worked. Criminals and Cowards do not respect laws. How have Liberals not realized they can not legislate our country to a safer place? They demonize and take away rights from law abiding citizens. Its shameful. Thankfully there is hope with the new administration.

I will say this friends. Be watchful and observant. Pay attention to your surroundings, keep your head on a swivel and trust your gut. If something feels wrong be on alert. And as always, if you are legally able to carry a firearm, do so.