New Year Resolutions 2017

Goal Setting for the New Year

Its that time of year again! A time to reflect on things learned and things that might not have gone as planned. This is where most people get things wrong. They focus on the things that went right and try to forget the things that went wrong. The focus should be on the the things that didn’t go the way we may have hoped. I will explain.

We absolutely should celebrate our victories and build on them year after year. What we overlook are the true lessons, which typically come from our mistakes and failures. If your goal was to lose weight and didn’t , learn from why and what went wrong and attack it. My greatest lessons have come from my failures.

The second important component of goal setting is, setting REALISTIC goals. Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting goals that can not be reached in a specific time frame. Goals are a destination so you must provide a realistic path to reach them.

And finally the most important part in Goal setting in my opinion, WRITE YOUR GOALS DOWN. Writing things down has been proven time and again to have a significant impact on results. You can write them in a journal, type them on your computer or phone. Just make sure its something you review and check regularly, a check list is great.

Here are some of my goals

  • Grow this site and provide content that engages and helps the reader
  • Exercise regularly
  • Be more charitable
  • Work harder (Always!)
  • Read a book a month (I read a ton but its all online!)

A better America starts with us. We are the change we want in this country. There is renewed hope and optimism. Together we can make a difference! I wish everyone and our country a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!